The most common commercial entities in Bulgaria is limited liability companies which can be EOOD (single owner) and OOD (partnership). There are no special requirements for opening a company in Bulgaria, apart from having a special bank account. The minimum paid-in capital is €1. The standard procedure consists of 4 steps: 1.Submitting an application for opening a special account 2.Opening a special account where the company's capital shall be transfered 3.Notarization and 4.Submission the documents to the Commercial Register. Timetable: Between 3-5 days mostly depends on the time approval from the Bank.
Strategic position between Asia and Europe; The country has been in the EU since 2007; Only 10% corporate tax, 10% for the individuals as well. Plus: low administrative cost of servicing the company. We work in cooperation with DILEMA - one of the leading accounting companies in Bulgaria. All your cases will be resoved and your company wil be in tax order.
We offer entry tax/market research to help you to understand the local market. Make sure that you know important matters before investing.
We will assist you to start your business in Bulgaria finding suitable wharehouse, premises, factory, office space, staff.
It does not matter of you are an individual or a company holder. V Consulting Bulgaria will help you to open a bank account in Bulgaria.
You have to have a visa or residence permit to live and work in Bulgaria.
5a Pavel Krassov street, Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 2 973 67 08, +359 886 168 108